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Grounding Creative Economy in Tradition

Rp 0,00

How can we promote both cultural and the creative economy in the same time?

Join us for interactive dialog with craft artisans and designers from Indonesia and the United States as they share how identity and culture can shape the future of innovation and design.

Speakers : 

  • Cilau valadez (Mexican-american Artist Promoting Native Huichol Art)
  • Renny Manurung (Batak Ulos Handloom Weaver and Founder Dame Ulos)
  • Lilla Imeldasari (Designer behind the Brand Lemari Lila)

Moderator : Puthut Ardianto (Lecturer of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Founder of, Jumputan Artisan and Ecoprinter)

Watch the recorded session :